French w/ MMe Dresnok 25 avril-30 avril

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From there here is a list of the many platforms the students use to work.

Links/Resources:     This is the most important has most assignments listed here.


French 1

Essential questions

1.  How do people describe their families and family members?

2.  How do people talk about how they spend their time?

3.  How has the structure of the French family evolved?



A: Ask and respond to questions about familiar topics.   

B: Express and elicit feelings in the French.


A: Identify main ideas, topics, and specific information in auditory and written materials.


Compare French with English to better understand language systems.

Describe the practices and perspectives of Francophone cultures.

Introduction to family vocabulary


French 1B

La nourriture et en ville.

Quizlet and google classroom

French 2

Essential Questions

How do people discuss and plan a vacation?

2.  How do people talk about how things used to be?

3.  What are some popular vacation spots in the French-speaking world and why?

see google classroom

The passé composé

reading Jacques Prévert and poem writing. This is due on flipgrid

Quiz on the PC of regular and IRR verbs on Wednesday.

VHL activities assigned.

Essential Questions:   les Vêtement et Les Parties du Corps



Ask and respond to questions about familiar topics; comprehend and produce vocabulary in appropriate contexts.  


Identify main ideas, topics, and specific information in auditory or written materials.

FR 4

1.  How do people talk about theater and the performing arts?

2.  How do people talk about television, cinema, and literature?

3.  What are some important accomplishments in the arts in the French-speaking world?

Work for the week:

VHL (on-line text book)

La santé: Health: introduce new vocab/ google doc

Infographie and and IPA summative assignment.

Quiz Wed/TH on La Santé

Review le film "Manon sur le Bitume"



A: Ask and respond to questions about familiar topics.   

B: Express and elicit feelings in the French.


A: Identify main ideas, topics, and specific information in auditory and written materials.



Compare French with English to better understand language systems.

Describe the practices and perspectives of Francophone cultures.

Comparisons and Practices

French readings: Pharmacies and Health in France