French: week of September 21-25
Course: French 1B
Course Schedule: period 5
Office Hours: Friday 10am-12pm
Essential Questions: How do people ask and answer questions about their daily activities? HOw do people talk about and describe their families?
Standards/PIs: Interpersonal: Ask and respond to questions about familiar topics; comprehend and produce vocabulary in appropriate contexts. Interpretive: Identify main ideas, topics, and specific information in auditory or written materials.
Student Assignments:
- Review Packet due 9/21 (group A) or 9/22 (group B)
- New packet included: family vocabulary practice, être/avoir, ER verbs
Google Classroom
Course: French 2AC
Course Schedule: Period 7
Office Hours: Friday 10am-12pm
Essential Questions: How do people ask and answer questions about their daily activities? How do people talk about how they spend their time? How do people describe where they live?
Standards/PIs: Standards/PIs: Interpersonal: Ask and respond to questions about familiar topics; comprehend and produce vocabulary in appropriate contexts. Interpretive: Identify main ideas, topics, and specific information in auditory or written materials.
Student Assignments:
- Review packet due Mon 9/21 (group A) or Tues 9/22 (group B)
- Unit 4: Places in Town vocabulary, the verb ALLER, grammar related to giving directions/prepositions
- New packet assignments
- VHL assignments
Google Classroom