Victoria Oakes » Hello!


Hello! I am Victoria Oakes, a workshop ed tech at Windham High School. I am also the advisor for the chess club. This is my second year at RSU 14, but I have worked in Maine schools for over five years. I graduated from the University of New England in 2017 and graduated from Deering High School in 2013. Please feel free to reach out to me through my email with any questions or concerns you may have! I look forward to working with the students of Windham High School! 



All SENIORS (students with Grade 12 status) will be granted privileges, meaning that campus is open for any senior who passed all of their courses during quarter 4 of their junior year.  

  • Does not need to be in attendance at ANY workshop


All JUNIOR Privileges are based solely on grades from the previous quarter, and are therefore determined at the start of each quarter. Juniors who earn an 80 in each of their classes and are in good disciplinary standing are eligible for Junior Privileges. Junior Privileges grant students early dismissal from school, if the student has a workshop at the end of the day.  

  • Have to be in attendance at All workshops EXCEPT Block 4 they do NOT need to be in workshops


Juniors who earn a 93 average with no failing grades, are granted Eagle Pride Privileges, which provides students with an open campus during workshops. Juniors must have parent permission to receive either Junior Privileges or Eagle Pride Privileges. 

  • Same as Senior Privileges do not need to be in attendance at ANY workshop

All students with privileges must attend morning advisory/PRIDE block. Seniors or Juniors with Eagle Pride Privileges who have a workshop Blue or Maroon 1 and wish to have permission to miss advisory/PRIDE block and must meet with administration.

Advisory Privileges

  • Student must have Eagle Pride or Seniors Privileges to ask Admin for permission form to be emailed to parent/guardian
  • This only applies to a day a student has a period 1 workshop
  • Students are still expected to attend PRIDE if a teacher schedules them
  • Students are expected to attend the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month Advisory days
  • Admin will email advisory teacher once advisory privileges are active

Students with privileges returning to campus must access the building via the Main office entrance. Junior and Senior Privileges can be revoked at any time by Administration. Special consideration around the granting of privileges may be made. Students should consult with the principal about special considerations. Students with Eagle Pride or Junior Privileges must either leave the building or be in the Eagles nest, Library, or with a teacher. Privileges do not give you permission to roam the building. 

***All Students will now need to enter through the Main Entrance for security purposes once the school day has started.   The Canopy Entrance will be open before/after school, but once school starts all students should use the main office entrance..***


If you have any questions about privileges please contact your students/ your vice principal.

Philip Rossetti - [email protected]

Vanessa Michaud - [email protected]

As policy in the student handbook page 14:

Personal Electronic Devices

(Summary- for complete policy see JFCK & JFCK-R)

Headsets or personal listening devices may be used before/after school, but may not be used during the day without teacher permission. Students will receive disciplinary consequences if they have headphones/PED’s on during classes without permission from the teacher.  PEDs should be turned off and not visible during the school day, except when students are in their own lunch, or have received teacher direction to use the phone.  If these devices are used without permission they will be confiscated and turned into the main office, and a parent/guardian will need to come to school to pick it up. 


The use of the camera/video function on any type of PED is strictly prohibited on all school property, including locker rooms, restrooms, classrooms, school hallways, and on school buses/vans, except at public events or as directed by a teacher as part of a classroom assignment.  If there is any question of inappropriate use, PEDs may be subject to search. Evidence of illegal activities involving PEDs may be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities, and a building administrator may give a device to law enforcement authorities upon request.


Students may request special permission to have a beeper or phone for emergency reasons. The school will not take responsibility if these devices are lost or stolen*. Laser pointers are not allowed in the school. Detentions may be issued for violations of the guidelines outlined above. 

* All portable electronic equipment should be registered with Officer Maher to support students when items are lost or inadvertently taken.


School computers are not the personal property of students, so students have no expectation of privacy in the use of these school computers.  Violation of the Board’s Student Computer and Internet Use policy and rules may result in loss of computer / internet privileges and disciplinary action as appropriate.  If you have any questions about the guidelines, please contact your child’s teacher.


The Windham network allows users to access a wide range of information sources, both local and worldwide, while at school and at home.  Students will have access to school, college, and university libraries, information from a variety of sources, software of all types, discussion groups on a wide variety of topics, and much more. This use is a privilege, not a right.  Students may lose this privilege and be subject to further disciplinary/legal action for inappropriate use.



Email Address/

Appointment Link





Ms. Glaus

[email protected]  





Ms. Haberstroh

[email protected] 





Mr. Ginn

[email protected] 





Ms. Fleming

[email protected]